Our company Foss Fibre Optics s.r.o. has successfully implemented a system based on pre-terminated cables with LC uniboot connectors for local data centers.

Foss team attended the ECOC Conference 22-26th September 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Foss team attended the Slovak Industry Day organised by Slovak Ministry of Defence, 01th October 2024, at Military Technical and Testing Institute (VTSU) Zahorie, Slovakia

Our company has become a supplier of products for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Foss team attended the European conference for quantum technologies for defence. 13-14th March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland

From the security point of view the structured optical cabling is evaluated only by the so called CPR classification – more details can be found in following article: https://www.fossfibreoptics.com/sk/sk/news-foss-standard-eu-cpr-cables The currently most strict class is B2ca, s1, a0, d1. CPR classification describes the performance of the cables during the fire from the fire propagation point of view, as well as the aggressivity of the generated smoke (smoke acidity) and volume of the falling burning droplets from the cable. More information about the CPR classification can be found on following link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32006D0751&qid=1654675523923&from=EN

We are proud that our colleague from Bratislava office participated on the Business mission to Switzerland, together with our president Ms. Zuzana Čaputová.

More than 200 national and international exhibitors present themselves at the FIBERDAYS at Messe Wiesbaden and present their products, services and information on all aspects of future-proof fiber

The Data Centre World Frankfurt conference is a platform where you have the opportunity to get personal advice from the most important suppliers in the industry and here you can find out how each data center can be further optimized and will bring you an unrivaled line-up of world-class suppliers. It will feature

ANGA COM is Europe’s leading business platform for Broadband, Television and Online. It brings together network operators, vendors and content providers on all issues of broadband and ….

Defense technology presentations, dynamic demonstrations of armed forces interventions, conferences on security issues, including cybersecurity – the international defense exhibition IDEB, which is organized every other year in Incheba, is a platform

After 2 year forced “COVID” break, at the beginning of March the Event FTTx Networks will start it’s 15th session. This event will take place on 3rd and 4th March

Slovak Republic Defence Industry cooperation

November 2021 conference “Where the Telecommunication Networks are heading” took place in NH Hotel Olomouc.

November 2021 Foss Sales team participated on Slovakia Industry Day at NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).

Foss AS Fiberoptisk Systemsalg, Norway is certified in accordance with the standard for environmental management, ISO 14001. We will produce our products with sustainable and environmentally friendly operation. We are committed to having an overview of our activities that provide an ecological footprint, and that we are constantly improving our environmental performance. This requires systems for documentation and control of conditions that affect the environment around us.

FOSS Sales team visited on 12.10.2021 exhibition Partner held a Belgrade Fair in Serbia, organized under the auspices of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia.

Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic Presentation Day 2021 in Bratislava

Foss representatives were presenting our solutions dedicated to harsh environment market on Military Expo IDEB 2021

Foss is a long-term supplier of products and solutions for power plants and electrical distribution plants in Slovakia.

Company Foss Fibre Optics, s.r.o. was presenting its solution for harsch environment market on Military expo IDET in Brno (Czech Republic) on the end of May.

In 2019, company Foss became an active member of the „The Security and Defense Industry Association of the Slovak Republic